2 December 2019

We are now launching our third blogfest on one of the most debated topics globally: #Populism. We have had many internal debates about this topic here at SGS and we recently held a 2 day international workshop on "(De)Globalization and Development in the New Age of Populisms" hosted by the Gothenburg Center for Globalization and Development (GDGD) on 14th and 15th November. It is time to bring this discussion from the corridors to the blog!
Topics and Guidelines
We welcome 600 to 800-word commentaries on #Populism. We are hoping to have some great conversations and debates about this topic, including but not restricted to the following questions.
Is the current populist trend an expression of lack of confidence in globalisation?
What are the consequences of populist governments for development policies/processes?
How are different states and social movements reinterpreting globalization-de/globalization trends?
What are the sources of current heightened opposition to increased global transactions and interdependencies, as well the associated global governance?
What strategies of ‘re-globalization’ are available, including reform and transformation of the rules and institutions that govern the global political economy?
How has violence been normalised in this new age of anti-globalisation and right-wing politics?
In particular, how can inclusive democratic citizenship and sovereignty obtain due voice and influence in a revitalized global cooperation both in the global south and north?
We invite the workshop attendees to contribute to this debate by addressing one or more of the topics/questions above, or an issue related to #Populism. We are also able to host guest blogs on this topic.
Submission and Publication
Please send questions, comments, and/or posts to the following:
and elizabeth.olsson@gu.se. All contributions are reviewed and revised before publication on blogalstudies.com; this review process also includes language editing.
Feel free to circulate this call in your networks.
We will accept contributions until the 15th of December, 2019!
/Elizabeth, Swati, and Theo
Don’t have anything to say about #Populism? No problem! We are always accepting blog posts on a wide range of topics! Feel free to contact us for more information.